I never thought I’ll be a party to a ‘virtual season’ in December. After more than a year of COVID, life is offering a new normal, as they say it, and I’ll just have to play along. I have miss singing in front of audiences. I sit at home and sing concerts to myself everyday. It isn’t easy to motivate myself but I grit my teeth and keep at it everyday. Of course there is always the chance that things will open up soon and one has to be ready. It is December and things haven’t opened up for the performing arts. It will be a virtual season for me. I have already recorded 3 concerts and have one more to go. All the concerts will be streamed over the next month or so. I am hearing talk of a possibility of getting back on stage in front of an audience, keeping my fingers crossed and hoping it will be true. I have tried to connect and engage with you through a number of video uploads to my Youtube channel, Facebook page, posts on my blog/Instagram, tweets etc. It is overwhelming to see the response from you all. Thank you so very much for staying in and keeping me motivated. Life hasn’t been friendly to a lot of people – I am a positive guy and am sure the affected will get through with strength and peace. Keep coming to my Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube for a ‘not ideal’ December season. As they say, “This too shall pass’ and we can get back to how things were in the past. Stay safe, stay healthy, stay happy!